Greeting everyone!
I’ve been quite busy lately so this will be my first blog post in quite some time. I’m hoping to amp this up a bit in the coming weeks.
Interesting topic today.. potential clients calling us and other St Louis Private Investigators to do illegal services/activities. Our agency has not and will never entertain those offers.
These calls are very quick as you might imagine. Here’s a few things people have called about recently that may surprise you.
Hacking into a significant others Facebook/email – Contrary to popular belief private detectives aren’t hackers. We don’t have the same tools law enforcement does and even if we did we don’t have the authority to so.
Hacking into a significant others computer/cell – As noted above, we aren’t hackers and can’t assist you breaking into someone else’s device.
Planting a listening device in someone else’s house/business – At Aries we have 100% authority to locate hidden bugs if hired to do so. We have the experience and equipment. What we don’t have is the authority to plant a bug for you in someone else’s property. Not only is that a felony, it’s a terrible thing to call us for. The response after telling the person no was “I’ll keep calling until I find someone who will”. The sad truth is, he’s probably correct.
Restraining orders – Following someone who put a restraining order on you is also a frequent call we get. There’s a reason the courts have been brought into action, they don’t want you near the person. Hiring us will not only make your case worse but will get any investigator into big trouble.
Stalking / Harassing – We won’t help you stalk or harass someone else. It may go without saying but in this line of work we’re out to help people not help facilitate poor/illegal behavior.
Doing surveillance on private land/property – We are 100% in the law to conduct surveillance on public roads/property. This does not give us a ticket to take videos or photos on someone else’s land. Not only is it illegal but it wouldn’t be admissible in court. The only exception here is if you are the owner of the land. In that case we are more than willing to assist!
These calls are unfortunately a part of our business. It’s our job to make peoples lives better and we will continue to do so ethically and legally.
If you are in need of a private investigator in St. Louis don’t hesitate to contact us. Have a great week!